Help us to fight for your privacy ,surveillance and censorship
Time and talent
We’re funded entirely by the community. Help us make Gnoppix even better by purchasing our Pro Version or considering a donation. Every little bit counts.
Gnoppix is offered to the public free of charge, but it actually takes people’s time and money to make it free. For this reason, we are always looking for any contributions as example:
- Development — coding, art, distribution, etc. contact development team
- General help — website, outreach, maintenance, etc.
- Documentation — Users Manual, Wiki, Knowlegdebase, FAQ, translations, videos
If you have the time and interest to get involved in one of these areas, please let us know!
If you’d like to contribute to Gnoppix’s ongoing development and maintenance, your support is greatly appreciated. One area where your assistance would be particularly valuable is in securing hosting options. Currently, these costs are covered out-of-pocket.
Ways to Contribute to Gnoppix
Your Time and Expertise:Help us make Gnoppix Core so robust and feature-rich that a PRO version becomes unnecessary. Your skills in development, design, or community management are invaluable.
Corporate Partnerships: If your company aligns with our values of open source, privacy, and user-centric development, we welcome partnerships. We can offer visibility through banners, case studies, or other mutually beneficial arrangements.
Infrastructure Support: Our primary costs are hosting, services, and development. If your company has spare computing resources, such as servers or cloud infrastructure, we can leverage them to expand Gnoppix’s capabilities and support additional architectures.
Financial Contributions: A one-time donation or a recurring membership helps sustain Gnoppix development. Your financial support is essential to cover ongoing costs and invest in new features.
In-Kind Services: Offer your expertise or resources. Whether it’s a global CDN, a custom plugin for our CMS, or advanced firewall solutions, your contributions can significantly enhance Gnoppix.
By joining our community and sharing your talents, you can help shape the future of Gnoppix and contribute to a more open and user-centric digital world.
Donations corner
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