Release Notes: Gnoppix 24.10.15 PRO (24.10 Core)
We are pleased to announce the latest update for Gnoppix PRO, packed with lot of bugfixes and improvements. Do a lag of manpower we have simplified the community version again.
SSHD Configuration:
- Fixed SSHD configuration for key authentication and password authentication. Both methods now work seamlessly.
- Key authentication is highly recommended due to its increased security.
Gnome Updates:
- Merged and updated the member repository to the community repository, ensuring a unified experience across Gnoppix 24.8.
- Moved the AI meta package (gnoppix-ai) to the community repository for better access and integration.
Permission Fix:
Fixed a permission issue in the community repository, leading to improved CDN sync.
VPN Integration:
Finalized and integrated Gnoppix VPN as a seamless one-click solution, exclusively available to members. Gnoppix VPN Services now allow users to establish multiple connections across different countries, utilizing multi-uplink capabilities.
Kernel Updates:
Updated kernel patches to ensure synchronization with the Gnoppix Patreon Repository.
NVIDIA Driver Installation:
Added an install routine for the non-Open Source (oss) NVIDIA driver, ensuring maximum performance on AI and gaming applications.
Theme Switcher Fix:
Fixed issues with the Gnoppix Dark/Light theme switcher.
Clipman Integration:
Integrated clipman into the panel for quick access to frequently used clips.
Firefox Update:
Removed Gnoppix branding from Firefox, as all related patches have been removed.
Copilot Updates:
Updated Gnoppix copilot to version 0.3.21, incorporating changes mentioned above.
Firewall Configuration:
Enabled the firewall globally for enhanced security.
Anonymous Chat and File Sharing:
Finalized user-UI for anonymous chat and file sharing, ensuring a seamless experience.
What’s Next?
We are committed to delivering regular updates that cater to your needs. Stay tuned for future releases and contributions from our community!
Donation Report Q3/2024:
- $677,12 (Shop)
- $1478,67 (Gnoppix 23 PRO Support Contract)
- $244.11 (other donations, personal (Huan S.))
- $644 Donation from Singapore Development Board
- $433 SCS SG Society
- $831.16 (Thanks to ‘Cancham’ paid our OVH Hosting Bill!)
- $15.72 personal Donation Kim
- $834.87 Google
- = $5,158.65
- $831.16 OVH
- $549 Digital Ocean (testing their GPU AI Services)
- $2242 GGOS-Singapore / Support and Legal Services
- $236.18 Hetzner Hosting
- $322.68 Cloudflare CDN
- $421.73 Palo Alto Networks – Security Services
- $2311.71 Graphic Design Gnoppix 25
- $387.77 Leased Build Hardware and 1GB/1GB connection
- $221.69 Electric Bill
- $240.11 Paid Amar (G25 Designer – Internet connection)
- $150 Kids in Need Donation (one time)
- $143.76 added 4 more video AI surveillance cameras
- $1377.12 Transformed house extension into a bigger place (workers’ salaries and raw materials)
- $5212.99 Rooftop Solarpanel Building A
- = $14,647.90
How can you help?
We rely on the generosity of our supporters to keep Gnoppix evolving. If you’d like to contribute or show appreciation, please consider donating.
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