Install Gnoppix AI packages

With Gnoppix 24.6.1, we begun separating the AI component from the main distribution. This is because the AI uses a significant amount of resources and additional memory. Gnoppix is typically able to run on very low-resource systems with only 600-800MB of RAM. This separation step was necessary to ensure continued support for older hardware.

To run AI effectively, a modern, high-speed CPU and/or GPU is required. Nvidia GPUs are generally preferred (no offense to AMD, but I haven’t got from you any GPUs for AI tasks testing) In order to run the Gnoppix AI Suite you need the following Hardware specs:

4 Core CPU 2+GHz (or better)

8 GB RAM (or more

min. 30GB free space on a SSD

You don’t necessarily need a GPU. CPUs can handle all AI tasks. However, performance will be much slower compared to a dedicated GPU.

FYI, after installing the AI packages, NO DATA will be shared or transferred to anyone. Everything runs completely locally; you don’t even need an internet connection. Safe and Secure!

To install the main/base AI module, you need the following package:

  • gnoppix-ai (meta base packages) includes (35GB)
    • gnoppix-local-api (AI API) ~2GB
    • gnoppix-llm (Our uncensored LLM’s) ~31GB
    • gnoppix-gpt (main webui) ~2GB

You can install the packages by your GUI or run pacman -S gnoppix-ai (sudo apt install gnoppix-ai) be aware you DL ~30GB over internet this can take some time and all depends on your internet connection.

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